This version will be sent to donors of FaceTrackNoIR, so they can test it. The DirectX input-handling has been changed and an important feature added: joystick support. The first new feature implemented after v170 is now being tested in the alpha 1 version of v180. It was created as a stable modular alternative to Freetrack, which has some stability issues with newer systems and seems to be no longer actively developped. PointTracker is a plugin for the free head tracking software FaceTrackNoIR which introduces the capability to track a (typically IR-) point model comprising 3 bright points to FaceTrackNoIR, much like the popular free tracking software Freetrack does. The latest FTNOIR version (1.80 Alpha1) supports the new PointTracker plugin. Please notify us, if you want your callsign added to the list.
#Facetracknoir 2.0 review full#
The full list of compatible games is listed here. No need for game-fixers or anything like that. This includes all 64-bit versions (like X-plane 10 and DCS A-10C) and all previously 'difficult' titles (like Dirt, MS-Flight). This protocol supports all games that are FreeTrack-enabled or TrackIR-enabled. The old FreeTrack and fake-Track protocols were both replaced by one new protocol: FreeTrack 2.0. Mouse-keys can be used for 'short-keys' like 'center' and 'start/stop' An IR-based tracker like the one FreeTrack is using, called PointTracker (by Patrick) It eliminates all need for light and eliminates problems with darkness and bad lighting This is still in the prototyping phase, but has big potential. An Inertial Head Tracker called AIC-IHT, using accelleration, magnetic and gyro-sensors as source for pitch, roll and yaw. VJoy was upgraded for this and has driver-signing for W7 Unfortunately, it does not work with W8 (yet). A game-protocol using VJoy, which is an alternative for PPJoy. An alternative filter (called Accela, made by Stanislaw) for the EWMA2. Version v170 has a number of big improvements. In v170 creating the curves for the calculations for input (head-movement) to output (in-game movement) is easier and more flexible. Since it is clear to us that adding new features must be easy, we have adapted the core of FaceTrackNoIR, so that a new head-tracker, filter or game-protocol can just be 'dropped' in the installation-folder and then used.Ī second big change is the GUI of the curve-configurator. The installers were made with INNO-setup and we would also like feedback on their 'performance'.
#Facetracknoir 2.0 review update#
V170 Is available as update from v160 (for those who already have it running) and as full-installer (for new users). For most people, this version will be a big improvement, so please don't hesitate to try it: it's good! The update from v160 to v170 was tested by a number of users and is now released 'for all to try'.